Saturn Shani Mantra

Saturn Shani mantra

The Saturn (Shani) Mantra is a powerful Vedic invocation used to appease the planet Saturn/Shani and mitigate the hardships it may present in one’s horoscope. Saturn, known as Shani in Vedic astrology, represents discipline, efforts, and the rewards or challenges brought about by one’s karma. The mantra is often recited to bring about patience, discipline, and to reduce the adverse effects during the Sade Sati period—the seven and a half years long period of Saturn, which is believed to be a time of challenges and growth for individuals.
One of the most commonly recited Shani Mantras is:

"Om Sham Shanaischaryaye Namah"

"ॐ शं शनैश्चराय नमः।"

This mantra can be translated to mean, "Om and salutations to Shanicharaya (Saturn), the being who is slow in motion." By chanting this mantra, devotees seek to gain the favor of Saturn, ensuring that the planet's influence in their lives leads to positive outcomes, patience, and the strength to overcome difficulties with perseverance.
  • "Om" is the primordial sound, representing the essence of the universe and divine consciousness.
  • "Sham" Saluation.
  • "Shanicharaya (Saturn)" the being who is slow in motion." By chanting this mantra, devotees seek to gain the favor of Saturn, ensuring that the planet's influence in their lives leads to positive outcomes, patience, and the strength to overcome difficulties with perseverance..
  • "Namaha" is a Sanskrit word meaning "I bow down" or "I offer my respects."
“Om Sham Shanaischaryaye Namah” is a powerful mantra dedicated to Lord Shani, one of the nine primary celestial beings in Hindu astrology (Navagrahas). Chanting this mantra is believed to appease Lord Shani and reduce the hardships and obstacles placed by him in one’s life. According to Vedic astrology, Lord Shani oversees the planet Saturn and symbolizes discipline, responsibility, longevity, and the fruits of one’s actions. He is known for being strict and imparting lessons on patience and perseverance. Reciting this mantra can help mitigate the negative effects of Shani’s influence during challenging astrological periods such as the Sade Sati (seven and a half years) or the Dhaiya (two and a half years), when Saturn transits through the 12th, 1st, and 2nd house from the natal Moon. It is also chanted to bring about positive qualities such as discipline, punctuality, and reliability, which are the blessings of a well-placed Saturn in one’s birth chart. Devotees often chant this mantra 108 times, especially on Saturdays, which are dedicated to Lord Shani, and perform Shani Puja to seek his blessings. It is also customary to light sesame oil lamps and donate black clothes, sesame seeds, and other items associated with Saturn to the needy or at temples to earn good karma and the favor of Shani Dev.
Second commonly recited Shani Mantras is:

"Om Prang Preeng Prong Sah Shanaischaraya Namah"

"ॐ प्रां प्रीं प्रौं स: शनिश्चराय नम:।"

“Om Prang Preeng Prong Sah Shanaischaraya Namah” is another variation of the mantra dedicated to Lord Shani, the embodiment of the planet Saturn in Vedic astrology. This particular mantra is known as a Beej Mantra, which is a seed mantra that captures the essence of the deity it is addressed to. Beej Mantras are potent and often shorter than other types of mantras, making them easier to chant yet powerful in their vibrational quality.

Chanting this Beej Mantra is believed to provide specific benefits related to mitigating the negative impacts of Saturn’s transit through one’s astrological charts. Saturn, being a karmic planet, influences life lessons related to discipline, time, restriction, responsibilities, and endurance. When Saturn’s influence becomes challenging, it can lead to periods of hardships, delays, losses, and profound learning experiences.

By reciting “Om Prang Preeng Prong Sah Shanaischaraya Namah”, devotees seek to:

– Appease Lord Shani and soften the challenges imposed by him.
– Gain strength and patience to endure and overcome hardships with resilience.
– Invite positive karmic influences by acknowledging and learning from life’s trials.
– Improve discipline, focus, and commitment in personal and professional life.

This mantra can be especially beneficial to chant during the Saturn retrograde periods, the Sade Sati (7.5 years Saturn cycle), or the Dhaiya (2.5 years minor Saturn cycle). It is traditionally chanted 108 times using a Rudraksha mala on Saturdays or on Shani Trayodashi (the 13th day of the lunar month that falls on a Saturday) to receive the maximum benefits. Offering prayers, lighting sesame oil lamps, and giving donations as per Saturn’s significations (like black clothes, sesame seeds, iron, etc.) are also recommended to appease Shani Dev and invite his blessings for stability, prosperity, and spiritual growth.

Third commonly recited Shani Mantras is:

"Nilanjanam Samaabhasam Ravi Putram Yamagrajam Chhaya Martanda Sambhootam Tam Namami Shanaishcharam"

"ॐ नीलांजनसमाभासं रविपुत्रं यमाग्रजम। छायामार्तण्डसम्भूतं तं नमामि शनैश्चरम् ||"

This mantra addresses Saturn as the son of Surya (the Sun) and sibling of Yama (the God of Death), acknowledging its birth from the shadow of Martanda (the Sun) and its dark complexion. Chanting this mantra is believed to help reduce the misfortunes and hardships caused by Saturn’s position in the horoscope. Reciting Shani Mantra, especially on Saturdays, is considered highly beneficial. It is also recommended to offer prayers to Lord Hanuman and Lord Shiva, as they are believed to control the adverse effects of Saturn.
Fourth commonly recited Shani Mantras is:

"Om Shanno Devirabhishaya Aapo Bhavantu Peetaye Shanyo Ravishravantu"

"ॐ शन्नो देवी रभिष्टय आपो भवन्तु पीपतये शनयो रविस्र वन्तुनः ।"

The mantra is a Vedic peace mantra from the Taittiriya Aranyaka of the Krishna Yajur Veda. This mantra is not directly related to Lord Shani or Saturn but is a prayer for peace and blessings from the divine forces, specifically invoking the Devi, or the Goddess, to grant us nourishment, energy, and health.

The mantra translates to a prayer for peace and goodwill from the waters (Apas), which are considered divine and nurturing in Vedic texts, symbolizing purity and fluidity in life. It seeks blessings for prosperity, well-being, and the fulfillment of all desires, invoking divine energies to lead us towards a righteous path. The reference to “Shanyo Ravishravantu” specifically asks for the benevolent aspects of divine forces to be favorable to us.

Chanting this mantra is believed to create a protective aura, promoting peace, harmony, and prosperity, and is often recited during rituals, pujas, and meditation sessions for invoking divine blessings and creating a calm and serene environment.

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